Friday, January 3, 2020

African American Soldiers During The Civil War - 902 Words

Kyndal Coffey Ms. McCurry English 10 10 April 2015 African American Soldiers African-Americans served in the Civil War on both the Union and Confederate sides. In the Union Army, over 179,000 African American men served in over 160 units. More served with both the Union and Confederate units. This includes both northern free African Americans and runaway slaves from the South who enlisted to fight. By 1865, the South allowed slaves to enlist, but very few actually did. During the Civil War, blacks were treated like trash compared to the white troops. White troops got better pay; to be exact they were paid three dollars and fifty cents more than black troops (Estell 2). Woodlin said African American Soldiers were being paid less than White Soldiers. African-American soldiers fought and died in major Civil War actions in the future and received not only bad treatment but were looked down upon. Even though African American Soldiers during the Civil War worked hard and preserved, they were not treated equal to white soldiers. The outbreak of the Civil War cost th e United States a near fatal blow (Estell 2). When the war broke out the U.S. was not prepared and this almost cost them. The Confederate leader, Robert E. Lee, led the West Point trained; United States Army Officer Corps to the Confederacy (Estell 2). Robert E. Lee led trained soldiers to fight for the Confederacy. At the outset of the Civil War, free black men in several Northern offered their services to the UnionShow MoreRelatedAfrican American Soldiers During The American Civil War Essay1946 Words   |  8 Pages The story of African American soldiers in the American Civil War is often a forgotten one. The history of the war is usually presented as white Northerners versus white Southerners as blacks waited on the sidelines as their fate was determined. 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