Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Essay about Moving to Another Country - 528 Words

Typically, people like to think getting up and moving to another country is as easy as it sounds. People leave their home countries for various reasons, to escape as a refugee, or immigrate for a change in life. As easy as it seems to be there are so many roadblocks along the way. The country was created thousands of years ago as the holy land but over time, it has gone through different rulers and at many times the Jewish people of Israel was exiled and forced to leave the only country they knew. The history of Israel is important because it dictates as to why immigration and leaving that country to go to others in the Middle East is impossible. People have been dealing with war, military, religious, and gender regulations in Israel†¦show more content†¦Women in the Middle East hold little to no power, especially compared to women in the United States. Women escaping these wars are women who have been oppressed by society; oppression that a woman in the United States has never felt and gone through. Women are denied equal education and rights, when dealing with a part of the world that has law made from religion and military conflict, the man is in charge and women feel the biggest burn. In Israel, the biggest conflict is revolves the Arabs against the Israelis; although it is one country it is split into two sectors dividing its people, with different religious views and different practices there is a huge problem. In the face of this situation the Arab nation must adopt a resolute and deductive attitude to the parties to the attitude to the parties to the aggression and the tools of the aggression and Take serious and intensive action to provide all that is rewired for the confrontation of the imperialist-Zionist attack on the Arab nation. (Al-Kuwayt 191) With half of the Israeli nation being split into Arab or Jewish, people do feel a huge amount of aggression towards one another. The war between to the sides of the country results in wars that will never be solved; the wars create problems among its people. With the problems among its people, it is hard for citizens to live their everyday life. Women do feel the most hardship in wanting to escape the country. All of these factors result intoShow MoreRelatedMoving to Another Country1316 Words   |  6 Pagestraditional knowledge they use. Thats OK. But one should bear in mind two things. First, if something goes wrong — if there seems to be a problem — then relying on tradition isnt good enough. Its not working, and youll need to tweak something or find another tradition. And second, a thoughtful person should critically evaluate some traditions. Its your choice which, but everyone ought to be good at something and have the experience of trying to improve some know ledge. 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